Consign with us

Thank you for your interest in consigning with us. Consigning is a great way to make some money on your no longer desired or unwanted items.

WE ACCEPT: furniture which can be modern, vintage or antique. Home decor such as lamps, rugs, art, vases and interesting pieces.

CONDITION: new or gently used furniture, no missing parts, clean, free of stains/marks/pet fur/cracks/dents/dust/mold.

WE DO NOT ACCEPT: rockers, infant furniture, electricals, clothes, hardware, toys, pet supplies, bunk beds, platform beds, armoires, large china cabinets, photo frames, chandeliers over 30lb unless it can be professionally hung, beds

APPROVAL PROCESS: for home decor accessories and small pieces of furniture (over 15 items please call first)  which will fit in your vehicle, please drive up to one of stores and we will be happy to select items which are currently selling/in demand. Trends and tastes come and go. For larger pieces, please either visit a store with photos or email photos to which then you will need to wait for a reply. 

ACCEPTED PIECES FROM PHOTOS: not all details are visible in photos so we rely on our consignors to make sure the condition is as stated above otherwise we may have to reject them at the door. Please make sure you call your chosen store to make an appointment to drop off otherwise it may result in you waiting, make an appointment for another day or asked to contact one of our other stores to see if they are able to accept them. 

PICK-UP/DELIVERY: you will need to arrange your own delivery or pick-up. Please contact us if you need any recommended movers. We advise that you bring help if you are not using movers as we do not always have warehouse associates available to assist you, especially if the pieces are large and/or heavy which our warehouse associates have the right to refuse to assist as they are no professional movers. Please call ahead for pick up and drop offs to schedule an appointment. Southern Comforts is not liable for any damages caused while assisting loading or unloading.

PRICING OF YOUR ITEMS: we determine the price by researching, demand, brand and condition. Like you, we want to get the most we can for your treasures while baring in mind that people shop at consignment stores for fab items at fab prices. A guideline is 30% to 70% lower than the original price but can vary. So if your are expecting more than 50% of the original price or are finding it hard to let go, we advise you not to consign those pieces until you are absolutely ready to. Once priced we will email you a list of your items with prices. We are a price and go business, so items may have sold before you receive your email which we do not compensate for the difference between price sold and your expectations. If you do not receive this email within 48 hours, please call the store.

PRICE REDUCTIONS & COUPONS: prices drop by 10% every 30 days during its consignment period of 100 days. To help sell your items quickly, at times we have promotions, discount coupons and events. This is usually 10% and no more than 25% off the current selling price.

SEASONAL CONSIGNMENT: We will advertise in our newsletter, website and other media when we are ready to accept these. Please note that seasonal items may reduce a period before the season, usually up to 50% off the current selling price and the day after the season, usually up to 75% off the current selling price. If you do not wish for your items to reduce before the season, you may retrieve them before they discount without a fee.

PAYMENT: a check will be ready for pick up on the 10th of each month for items sold the prior month, provided your account credit has reached the minimum of $25. Amounts are 50% of what your items sold for after the buyers fee has been deducted. Checks are void after 6 months. Account credit maybe used for purchases. There is a $5 check reissue fee. WE WILL NOT RE-ISSUE CHECKS THAT ARE MORE THAN 6 MONTHS OLD.  

ITEM FEE: This is paid by the purchaser. The fee is between 99c and $9.99 depending on the original price. This does not reduce when the original price reduces. Example: price tag which has $9.99 the fee is 99c and you will see on your emailed price list $9, for $39.99 the fee is $3.99 on your price list $36, $299.99 the fee is $9.99 on your price list $290.

UNSOLD ITEMS: Items that have expired on day 101 may be donated which a donation form may be requested and we do not compensate for this. If not donated, it will incur a major price reduction of at least 50%. Southern Comforts believes in being an industry leader for consignment, and are compensating the consignor 10% of what your expired item sells for after the buyers fee has been deducted. This is a benefit that you will not see at any other consignment store. *see contract below for additional details.

You may pick up any items which have not sold between day 91 and day 100 fee free. Any items removed before day 91 will incur a fee of 20% of the original price. Please bring appropriate packaging and you will need to be able to identify them.

WEBSITE - We are not an online only store and so do not guarantee your items will be on our website and may not qualify for shipping sales.

YOUR ACCOUNT ACTIVITY - You can follow the activity of your items by logging into your account by initially visiting, click consignor login, for BOTH the username & password type in the email address you gave us, click submit. Then go to your emails and find us, or look for J&J Family which is our parent company or check spam if you don't see us, and follow the instructions to create a 'proper' password.

IMPORTANT: ACCOUNTS INACTIVE FOR 12 MONTHS WILL BE CLOSED & CONSIGNOR AGREES TO FORGEIT ANY CREDIT *we are unable to notify you if an item has sold/expired/damaged/donated, or a check is available as our system cannot be set up for notifications. *We are unable to compensate for any items lost, stolen or damaged in any way. Items are still your responsibility until sold so please make sure you have homeowners or renters insurance to cover this as accidents can happen. *We will not be able to guarantee specific placement of items.




Southern Comforts Consignment Contract

J&J Family Atlanta LLC

DATE:...................................... STORE:................................................................... ACCOUNT #................................

NAME:.................................................................................. EMAIL:......................................................................................................

Thank you for consigning with us! Consigning your no longer needed items is a great way to make some extra cash and help our environment. We select items which we are confident will sell, and if we say no thank you, please do not take it personally.

PLEASE READ THROUGH THIS CONTRACT BEFORE SIGNING. A reminder will be attached with your priced inventory emails.

INVENTORY SELECTION - furniture and large pieces - please email photos to and include close ups of any marks, dents and wear. Please wait for a reply. Accessories (limit 15 pieces) and small furniture - drive up to the curb and we will either come out and select items or during busy periods ask that you use one of our carts to load. Drop off hours are between 11.30am and 4.30pm.

CONDITION - items must be clean and free of odors, and furniture structurally sound with no missing parts to be considered. Please note that we reserve the right to refuse items at the door which do not meet our standards or price them accordingly. For items accepted in store and we later find that they have a flaw or damage, we will price accordingly or donate them.

ACCEPTED ITEMS via email - you will need to make your own arrangements to bring your items to us and call the store to schedule an appointment. Please be prepared for you or movers to place items in a designated space and to reassemble anything arriving disassembled. We are unable to guarantee that we will have help to unload.

PRICING - We want to get as much as you do. WE DETERMINE THE PRICES & ARE UNABLE TO QUOTE PRICES BEFORE BEING ABLE TO INSPECT ITEMS PHYSICALLY. We are a price and go operation so your items may sell before you receive your priced inventory email and are unable to compensate for the difference between what the item sold for and your price expectation if this happens. The guideline for our pricing is 30% to 75% lower than the original price or of a similar item but may vary depending on condition, age, brand name, demand and if current items are on sale at other establishments. Prices will drop by 10% every 30 days of the consignment cycle. If you have any price expectations, please let us know and we will try to work with you, but if we feel we cannot meet it, we will ask you to take the item back with you. From experience, when a consignor has requested we increase the price we have set, their item did not sell.

CONSIGNMENT PERIOD - is 100 days. There is a pick up period between day 91 and day 100 for you to retrieve your items you wish to take back. Please bring appropriate packaging. You will need to walk the store to identify your items. There is a 20% fee of the original price for items retrieved early. Items become expired on day 101 and may be donated (We do not compensate for this. You may request a donation form). If an expired item is sold at a reduced price, you will receive 10% of what it sold for minus the buyers fee.

SEASONAL ITEMS - are reduced before and after the season by up to 75% and donated 7 days after the season. You may request a donation form. We do not compensate for items donated. You may retrieve your seasonal items a week before the season fee free.

COMMISSION - consignors receive 50% of what the item sold for minus the buyers fee. The buyers fee remains the same if sold at a reduced price. Example - if an item is priced at $19.99 (the price on your inventory list will be $18.99) the buyers fee is $1 and 50% is $9.49. The $ amount for the buyers fee depends on our original price with a cap of $9.99.

PAYMENT - is by check, ready to pick up after the 10th of every month for the previous month's sales if your account has a minimum of $25. Checks are good for 6 months. There is a $5 fee to reissue a check. You may use your store credit towards purchases. If your mailing address is out of state, please call to have your check mailed. Accounts inactive for 12 months forfeit any credit and will be closed.

DISCOUNT & PROMOTIONS - To help sell your items, we have coupons, events, discounts and promotions with up to 25% off the current selling price.

WEBSITE - We are not an online only store and it is not possible to upload every item onto our website. We make no promise your items will appear on our website.

NOTES - *If we are holding your items for any reason and we have contacted you to pick them up, please do so within 3 days, otherwise it will be donated on day 4. We do not compensate for this. *Items are left at the consignors risk. We do our best to protect your items and they remain your responsibility until sold. We are unable to compensate for any damages, loss or accidents, your homeowners or rental insurance should cover this. *If you do not receive your priced inventory list within 48 hours, please contact us.


By signing below, I understand and agree to all the above conditions. I declare I am the legal owner of the items I am consigning and are free from any liens.

SIGN:....................................................................................... EMPLOYEE INITIALS:.........................................